kulda klaviatuurist
Ma ei taipa küll sugugi, millest ta räägib, aga ometi tundub see äsjatekkinud mitte-blog väga köitev: The Amazing Everyday Life of Travis Murk.
The reason for shrouding most of my dealings in a mist of inaccuracies, exaggerations, misdirections and flat out lies is to avoid any kind of liability before law (also god; nan) without diminishing the profound significance of my undertakings. After all, they say it’s not a confession if you say you were joking. For example, under the banner of hilarity I could say “I totally killed that prostitute last night”.
Ma ei tea, kuidas sellist inglise keelt või maneere omandatakse, aga ilmselt on siin teatav seos koomiksite, metal-muusika ja hilise magamaminekuga. Plasma-approved.
The reason for shrouding most of my dealings in a mist of inaccuracies, exaggerations, misdirections and flat out lies is to avoid any kind of liability before law (also god; nan) without diminishing the profound significance of my undertakings. After all, they say it’s not a confession if you say you were joking. For example, under the banner of hilarity I could say “I totally killed that prostitute last night”.
Ma ei tea, kuidas sellist inglise keelt või maneere omandatakse, aga ilmselt on siin teatav seos koomiksite, metal-muusika ja hilise magamaminekuga. Plasma-approved.
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