maidea kes see tüüp on
aga leidsin ühe väga hea blogi. tüüp on välismaalane ja elab ilmselt Eestis. suhtub Eestisse ja eestlastesse uskumatu empaatiaga (armastab meid rohkem kui me ise) ja teeb meie ühiskonna kohta teraseid tähelepanekuid. läbi kõrvaltvaataja pilgu oma kodumaad vaadelda on äärmiselt köitev.
They are on the quiet side, on the blue eyed sandy haired side. They like to drink - they drink beer and vodka and both. They eat a lot of fish and potatoes and use the Internet like it was some third undiscovered side of their brain. They like berry picking and hiking through bogs and their folklore is filled with menacing woodland trolls and centers around the distressing and violent tale of an Estonian guy named Kalevipoeg.
And before you know it, you aren't discussing Estonians anymore. It seems like you are talking about Icelanders or the Faroese or Finns. You are talking about a Nordic people.
They are on the quiet side, on the blue eyed sandy haired side. They like to drink - they drink beer and vodka and both. They eat a lot of fish and potatoes and use the Internet like it was some third undiscovered side of their brain. They like berry picking and hiking through bogs and their folklore is filled with menacing woodland trolls and centers around the distressing and violent tale of an Estonian guy named Kalevipoeg.
And before you know it, you aren't discussing Estonians anymore. It seems like you are talking about Icelanders or the Faroese or Finns. You are talking about a Nordic people.
Ei, ta ei ela veel Eetis, aga on elanud ja tema naine on eestlane, kes kirjutab jällegit Ameeerika-elust. Varsti kolivad tagasi. Naise blogi on
sul ei ole blogi vä?
Ei ole blogi jah, ma olen selle jaoks liiga laisk ja käin ainult käoks.
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... see järgmises postis olemasolev spämm tuli kohe, kui ma WV maha võtsin. midagi ei ole teha, ma olen nii popp, et robotid ka loevad.
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