reede, juuli 09, 2010

Billy Bob seletab asjad lahti

Okei, väike lingisoovitus: Billy Bob Neck on Georgia konservatiiv, kes otsustas suu puhtaks rääkida. Või on ta õel parodist, aga nagu üks kommentaator YouTube'is tabavalt märkis: "whether this is a parody or not i still agree with everything he says". Nagu Billy Bob ise ütleb, "we gotta keep Israel safe so's that we can have Armageddon the way we supposed to." Minu meelest on siiski veel ägedamad need tüübid, kes Billyga kommentaariumis edutult vaielda üritavad ning täielikus raevus lahkuvad, kuna nende liberaalsed argumendid saavad lihtsalt otsa. Ja sarkasm.. no ei ole ilmselgelt nende cup o' tea. Toome paar dialooginäidet.
#silversydd: "if heaven exists and is full of cunts like you i guess theyre aint many people who wanna be there or judging by your bigoted beliefs on the sorts a people going there anyway then itll be fairly empty and very fuckin dull, guess the inbreading would start all over again......."
#billybobneck: "y'all don't need to worry, son, cuz you ain't gonna be there"
#gratex: "i am from europe what is this 4th of july thing?"
#billybobneck: "i ain't gonna bother to try to explain it to ya. it's about the one thing yurpeens hate more than anything: freedom"

Aga kuulake parem, mis mees jalgpallist räägib.