kolmapäev, mai 14, 2008

aitäh, härra hofmann

Nii Eestis kui välismaal kasutasid üllatavalt paljud väljaanded teadlase surma kui võimalust lugejaid ridade vahel teavitada, et hei, hape on päris huvitav asi. Seda vaatenurka ei toetand ainult väljaanded ise, vaid ka valdav nende kommentaare (:
Canada.com: The prohibition of psychedelic drugs was the legislative equivalent of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The intention of that law was to eliminate the street use, and it did no such thing. What it did eliminate was the legitimate research into the potential uses of these powerful tools.
Economist: LSD, treated with respect, could have powerfully instructed men and women in the glories of the spiritual dimension of life. But they had abused it, so it had given them terrors instead.
Guardiani blog: What a dude. [...]LSD and Hofmann's true legacy, though, is in the art that was produced as a result.

hihih, oh neid kirjatsurasid. ka sina, Economist...


Blogger andry said...

guardiani blogiga sajaga nöus
No on ikka häid asju tehtud LSD abil.

Ja tsiteeriks Keith Richardsit, yks kymme aastat tagasi ytli mees igatahes oma hääle söbrale Marianne Faithfullile:
tead, ma olen kindel, me pole seda öiget ainet lihtsalt veel leidnud.

See oli enne seda, kui ta oma kadunud papsi nuusutas.

16. mai 2008, 23:32:00  

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