neljapäev, jaanuar 18, 2007

Põhjus, miks vihata USA demokraate

A Democratic member of the [International Relations - PJ] committee, Brad Sherman of California, said the United States should consider making geopolitical concessions to Russia in return for stronger Russian support on the Iranian nuclear issue.

"We can beg or lecture, but that hasn’t worked. Bargaining probably would, because Russia cares enormously about issues in its own region – Chechnya, Abkhazia, the route of Caspian oil pipelines, the pipeline situation with Belarus and Ukraine, and the treatment of Russian-speaking people in Moldova, Latvia and Estonia," Sherman said. "The national security of the United States depends on our ability to gain Russian support on the Iran issue, in return for reasonable accommodations on issues in Russia’s region."

Sherman, who is also the chair of the subcommittee on international terrorism and nonproliferation, cited several obstacles hampering closer US-Russian cooperation on Iran. "The State Department is strongly prejudiced against linking Russian policy on Iran with our policy on issues in Russia’s region. They have a bureau on Moldova, they have a bureau on Abkhazia, and those bureaucrats will scream loudly if their pet issue is sacrificed for a greater national security concern," Sherman said.

"Secondly, there are those in the administration with such a high estimate of our national power that they believe we can achieve all objectives simultaneously and not prioritize. And finally, many foreign policy experts grew up in the Soviet era, strategizing how to encircle and weaken Russia, and, unfortunately, old habits die hard," he added.

Isand Sherman, te olete värdjas. Russia's region. RUSSIA's region. Kurat küll.


Anonymous Anonüümne said...

Loodetavasti ei too üks Sherman veel kevadet:)

Tuleb meelde, et kunagi ajas Kondid & Riis ka umbes samasugust juttu, et me ei saa, kui me tahame säilitada häid suhteid Venemaaga, hoolida igasugu pisikesist pudinaist seal ümber. Aga nagu näha, tegelikkus on kujunenud mõneti teistsuguseks.

18. jaan 2007, 16:24:00  
Anonymous Anonüümne said...

Kui hakata mõtlema, siis oli see sindrima Roosevelt kah demokraat, kes kirus, et Churchill ei lase rahulikult Staliniga asju ajada, kuigi nemad kahekesi teineteist nii hästi mõistavad...

22. jaan 2007, 22:17:00  

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